
Powerful Aging Tip #11

by Taru Fisher on October 7, 2009

A Bonus Tip

Aging is not a disease; it’s a normal stage of a human life. It’s how we THINK about aging that makes it a problem. If we believe the thought viruses prevalent in our society, we will look for those so-called problems of aging. Our very powerful mind will, in fact, create the very problems we fear.

We have in our brain, something called a reticular activating system. It’s job is to filter our experiences in support of what we THINK. For example, if on your way driving somewhere you start to think, I don’t want to hit any red lights, you’ll notice you hit almost (if not every) red light.

If you buy a black car, all of a sudden you’ll notice every black car on the road when previously you didn’t even notice them.

This means you need to have a positive mental attitude; see problems as challenges to be met and overcome rather than some insurmountable issue. Focus on asking for what you want rather than what you don’t want. It will make a world of difference in how you live your life. You can choose joy, or you can choose pain – your choice.

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