
Who is the Oracle of Aging?

by Taru Fisher on February 26, 2010

I’m a long time member of BNI (Business Networking International) and in our chapter, we have someone who writes the introductions for members who are doing their 10-minute presentation. Our resident Member Experience person is none other than the fabulous Susan Schwartz, Brand Strategist, Speaker and the Queen of Branding.

I was doing my presentation on January 27, so Susan and I spent quite a long time on the telephone where I regaled her with stories of my life. Because I’m 67, I have quit a few stories to tell. What Susan came up with follows, and I have some questions for you after you read it.

“Bawdy. Naughty. Dangerous. Wild.
Spiritual. Centered. Profoundly reverential.
Passionate. Purposeful.
Physically challenged. Tired.
All of them — at one point, or many, in her life, have described our resident Oracle of Aging with grit and grace, Taru Fisher.

In her youth, Taru went to India to sit at the feet of her guru. I don’t know if reincarnation was part of her studies, but I don’t think Taru has to worry about coming back. She’s had more extraordinary experiences in this one life than most people probably have in several. From living in a commune to working in a psych ward, to experiencing the divine bliss of oneness and the pain of arthritis.

That’s barely the beginning.

Obviously I can’t even give you the whole story. But I can tell you; she is planning to write a book. And you will definitely want to read it.
Taru, actually Premtaru, means tree of love. Taru received her name from her guru who also told her that many people would come to sit under her branches to be nurtured and receive love.

And that is exactly who Taru has grown to be —
Strong. Centered. Wise. Wonderful — unshakable.”

OK, I had no idea what she was going to say and I was floored by this introduction. I wondered who she was talking about–and then I realized it was ME.
Is this what she’d gotten from our conversation? If so, how could I possibly deserve it? It was that old “self-worth” thing again. Part of me absolutely loved it and another part cringed in embarrassment.

So, to people who know me, I’ve got the following questions:

1-        Do I warrant the title, The Oracle of Aging?
2-         If I do, for what reasons?
3-         What do you expect from an Oracle of Aging?

The Oracle is off to do the dishes now.

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